What Does A Reverb Pedal Do?

A popular effect pedal a guitarist has on his pedal board is a reverb pedal, and the reverb effect is very common in today’s music. All around the world, you will find a reverb pedal on every pedal board, but …

What Does An Overdrive Pedal Do

Overdrive pedals are not scarce on the marker like people claim they are. Arguably, overdrive pedals are the most popular types of pedals which tone chasers are particular about.

With so many pedal brands making various kinds of overdrive pedals, …

What Does A Delay Pedal Do

what does a delay pedal do

What Does A Delay Pedal Do? Find Out Answers Here

There’s a lot of joy from practicing music, and the guitar is considered one of the best instruments you can use in practicing music. In addition, professional and amateur players …

What Does A Compressor Pedal Do

what does a compressor pedal do

Compression is a viral effect used in recording music—most people’s remarks regarding compression outs musical performance dynamics, making the loud and soft parts softer.

The truth is compression isn’t for everybody but is key for some popular styles. For example, …