How To Stop Crying When Singing?

Triggering powerful emotions and mixing up the human emotion is something music or singing can do to anyone, and trust me when I say this, the feeling can be overwhelming sometimes. Even though the music sounds appealing to the ears, it can penetrate other senses in the body.

One thing that has baffled me is how singing music has made so many people cry, and this post is here to teach you how to stop crying when singing.

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Why Do You Cry When You Sing?

There are so many reasons why a person will cry when singing, and this makes it very difficult to identify a specific reason why people cry when singing.

Singing some words or lyrics can bring out some emotions in singers, and this is because music has a unique way of connecting with the human heart. Most people sing songs on topics they are passionate about, and passion is one of the causes of tears when people sing.

It doesn’t matter if these tears are happy or sad, but one fact that is hard to tell is if singers tend to connect more with the song’s melody or if they connect more with the lyrics of a song.

No matter how it goes, music has its way of causing an overwhelming connection in singers. But unfortunately, the fact that so many singers have been brought to tears isn’t rare or uncommon in the music industry today.

How To Stop Crying When Singing

It has happened so many times, and many professional singers have been brought to tears while singing on stage.

People fail to get one point that is crying when singing doesn’t mean you have sad emotions. The fact about humans is they are odd creatures since they shed tears when happy or when sad.

Having an emotional connection with a song is likely to get you to cry, and this is because the melody or the lyrics of the song might make you flashback on an old memory you might have forgotten about.

Anyone can cry when they experience a feeling of euphoria when singing, and it is okay to find this weird or strange. There are several feelings music can spark in a person’s life, but the fact that they are crying doesn’t mean they are sad.

There is a possibility that you might fill a person with so many emotions and memories that the best way they can express how they are feeling is through tears.

Does Crying When Singing Affect Performance Quality?

The true connection singers have with a song is one of the reasons why you will find a person crying when singing, but you should know that crying when singing tends to affect your singing performance negatively.

When singing, your audience should get your lyrics clearly, but they might not be able to connect with your music when you cry. Singing makes it difficult for the audience to understand your words.

You will not have volume control or pitch control when you cry while singing and trust this dramatic performance to affect the quality of your singing.

You are likely not to control your breathing when crying, and all of these that we have mentioned are the negative effects crying brings when you cry while singing. But, no matter how bad these things might look, there are things you can do to prevent yourself from crying when singing.

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How To Stop Crying When Singing?

How To Stop Crying When Singing

Practice Relaxation And Meditation

One of the easiest ways anyone can put their emotions under control is through relaxation, and some people do not speak up about their emotions in any way.

It can lead to an uncontrolled outburst when they eventually let it out, but putting relaxation and meditation techniques into practice is one of the best ways to gain control over everything. Meditation and yoga have proved to be very useful over the years.

Taking A Break

If you need a moment to put yourself together when singing, then do it. There is nothing wrong with taking a minute or two-minute break when singing because you must take yourself back to being in control of your emotions.

Your audience is humans as well, and they will understand you when you take some minutes from singing to put your emotions in check.

Handling Emotional Issues

You must address why you are crying during a performance, and allowing these bottled emotions to come to life has a positive way of helping us gain control over our emotions.

Do not think about the issue directly if you find it difficult to control it, and you can prevent having this same problem repeatedly if you can accept whatever it is that makes you cry while singing.

Continuous Rehearsal

You might stop being emotionally attached to a song or lyrics if you constantly practice with it. This is because repetition in singing can take away the part that always gets you emotional.

There is a huge possibility that you will not be carried away by your emotions again if you constantly practice with the song that gets you emotional at all times.

Switching Focus

It is okay to focus on something else and not focus on what makes you cry or worry. You can shut out unwanted emotions by focusing on something else in the room, so it will help if you do not focus on the emotions you feel right inside of you.

It would help if you focused on what melody the song brings, and you will see that focusing your attention on other details while singing will make you less emotional to a paabouticular song.

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Don’t Panic

You can go into a panic when you start crying while singing in public, and this will only end up making things worse than they already are.

One of the things you must do to avoid panic when crying while singing is to force yourself to stay calm and practicing some calming strategies will make it easy for you to stay put and not freak out. Also, try not to overcome paranoia or fear, which is common when panic sets in.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How To Stop Singing In A Flat Voice?

Some of the exercises that can help you stop singing in a flat voice include scale practice, building muscle memory, listening to your recording, finding safe notes to pitch from

Why Do I Sound Emotionless?

When you fail to take note of your tone of voice, the body language from the voice, content, expressions, and gestures, you will keep sounding emotionless.

Does Crying Ruin The Voice?

Crying tends to affect the voice whether you are singing while crying. This is because it can make the vocal cords swollen, and you cannot be able to sing if you have a swollen vocal cord.


Everything we have said to you in this post will make it easy for you to stop crying when singing, but we were hoping you would not think trying all of these out at first will make you stop crying when singing abruptly.

You have to be consistent with the tips we have shown you in this post for you to get past being emotionally attached to a song finally.