How To Fix Earphones One Side Is Quieter

It can be quite exasperating when you are listening to music but the flow of music isn’t balance inside both ears. Nobody will be happy blasting music on one ear, while the other ear keeps getting faint sounds. This is capable of ruining the entire listening experience, and you are scrolling the internet for how to fix earphones one side is quieter.

Nobody will be happy paying for an earphone that will not offer balanced sounds on both ears while in use, and the right thing for anybody to do at this point is to find the right way to fix instead of making the auditory nerves tire out as they keep getting sounds that are not balanced at both ears.

One earphone is quieter than the other side is one of the most common problem you are going to face while making use of earphones, and this also means that one side of the earphone is actually producing sounds that are louder than the other ear. Whichever you choose to look at it, the sounds coming in at both ears should be balanced always.

Most of the times, we are comfortably with discarding away any earphone we notice this sort of problem, and move towards purchasing a new one. This might have been working for you, but it only means you will keep wasting money on earphones instead of trying to fix the situation. Yes, something can be done to balance the sounds.

You might think balancing the sounds at both sides of the earphone is impossible, but this is why we have brought you this post so you can know the right steps to take when next you find yourself in this spot. Dealing with sounds that are not balanced from your earphones is difficult to ignore. You just keep feeling like you are not getting the real deal, and this can be very frustrating for anyone.

Could it be that your earbuds might have been broken on one side and needs to be fixed immediately? There are times when we believe that the problem of getting sounds that are not balanced at both ears might have to do with the earphone itself, but you might end up being wrong at the end of the day. It could be from the device too.

This is what we want you to do when you are faced with this sort of problem next time. Do not throw away the earphones yet, but try to check out all the methods we have for you in this post to try and deal with the problem. Trust this post as it has worked for so many people. It can also work for you.

Without wasting further time, check out what the problem might be so you can know how to go about dealing with it the proper way.

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How To Fix Earphones One Side Is Quieter

How To Fix Earphones One Side Is Quieter

Audio Mixing Issues

Discarding your earphones simply because the sounds they are getting are not balanced isn’t the right step for anyone to take because it might not be the fault of the earphones either like we mentioned earlier. One fact about music producing headphones, sound engineers, and professional DJ’s is one side tends to be louder than the other.

You might be wondering the reason for this, and this is because every sound engineer will desire to clearly listen to all aspects of a song. This means that the louder side might be responsible for listening to beats clearly, while the quiet side might be responsible for listening to vocals.

You can make use of another device in listening to the audio file if you make use of regular earphones and you are sure it has nothing to do with an audio mixing issue. You might be listening to the audio at 8DB if the problem is present on another device, but the problem might be from the video or audio source if it isn’t present on another device.

Audio Signal Problems And Loss

You are likely to get good audio sounds at one hear and bad audio sounds at the other ear if you are dealing with a signal loss. The problem of loss of signal is always present if you are dealing with a very long cable, which makes sure that audio signals travels a very long distance. This can cause higher signal resistance that results in weak audio.

If you are playing music from a portable player which comes with a line remote then you are likely to face the problem of audio signal loss as well. Disconnecting the line remote from the music player is what you must do before you can start getting the best audio signals.

Connectivity Problems

You might be wondering why you are not getting balanced sounds from your wireless earphones, and this could be because you are dealing with connectivity problems. Wireless earphones have the tendency of getting disconnected from an audio source, which ends up leading to getting louder sounds in one earbud, and lower sounds in another.

Issues of pairing on the other hand might also lead to you not getting balanced sounds from your earphones, and this problem is present in most wireless listening devices like wireless headsets, airpods, earbuds, and Bluetooth headphones.

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Dirty Earbuds

The fact about earbuds is that they come in very close contact with the ears, and this makes it possible for dirt present in the inner and outer ear to clog the earbuds and fill up the speaker grid. The sounds will be imbalanced or not come out fully when there is dirt that has clogged everywhere, so you must check the condition of earbuds first.

The right thing for you to do if you are dealing with a dirty earbud clogged with dirt and wax is to clean it properly, and you will need cotton buds or cotton tip applicator to get rid of dirt and wax from earbuds. In addition to ridding earbuds from dirt and wax, now is a good time to check earphone for wire frays, breaks, and tears.

Ear Problems

Anyone dealing with an ear problem is liking to suffer problems of not getting balanced sounds, so it is very essential that you check if you have issues with hearing before going ahead to get rid of your earphones. If you do not confirm this then you might continue buying earphones all the time. Book an appointment and have your ear checked.

Faulty Or Dirty Headphone Jack

Finally, you might be dealing with a dirty or faulty headphone jack if you are getting loud sounds at one ear and quiet sounds at the other ear. A dirty headphone jack makes it impossible for anyone to notice a problem or damage to the jack, so identifying what the problem is becomes very difficult. What the jack needs is a little bit of cleaning.

The volume of your earphones can be affected when a tiny amount of dirt is present on the headphone jack, and what you will need to wipe off this dirt includes small amount of alcohol and a soft small cloth. You can use them in wiping the tip of the headphone jack clean, so you can start getting balanced sounds once again.


Now that we have been able to show you some of the causes why you keep getting imbalanced sounds from your earphones, you will know the right step to take and stop discarding all of your earphones. We are waiting to read what your thoughts and opinions are in the comment section.